The realization of validation, endurance and emissions tests on a dynamometer chassis are essential for the characterization of the vehicles. The realization of the tests includes lot of logistical and organizational problems resulting from the restrictions determined by safety procedures in the workplace.
TAZIO (Testing by Autopilot. Zero vehicle modifications Installing in short time. Onboard diagnosis) is an autopilot system and it is able to manage the adjustment of some parameters, for example the position of the gearbox, clutch, where possible, by an automatic system , which also allows to increase the repeatability and reproducibility of test results, thanks to the elimination of the element of subjectivity associated with the driver.
Its installation can also be carried out of the rehearsal room and from a single source, since each of its components weighs less than 20 kg (total weight does not exceed 75 kg).
The system requires only two power supply cables to 240 Vac, and, in closed cockpit, works with a range of temperatures between 0° and 45°C.
For more information about the system displays the PDF of the Product Data Sheet
Product Versions:
- Autopilot for Roller Bench
- Autopilot for Driveline Cells
- Clutch Pedal
Tazio – software
TAZIO Supervisor: For fixed installations, is provided a supervision software, installed on a PC, for the test management from the testing room (tracking of states and alarms, logging measurements, suspension test, return parameters).
TAZIO Profile Editor: This editor allows advanced user to define a spreadsheet of test cycles and sub-cycles, warmup, recovery gear for endurance and emissions testing.
TAZIO Regulator Editor: This editor allows the expert user to fill out a specific parameter file of the vehicle model. The control parameters are the PID coefficients of the speed and timing regulator and adjustment of braking and declutching.
Tazio – hardware
The gear manipulator is developed using an anthropomorphic robot equipped with gear shift grip tool. The robot is insertable on an adjustable support in x, y, z axes, integrated with the seat through knob latches and having the following characteristics:
3+2 axes (3 of the arm + 2 of wrist)
Max range of action 410 mm
Max speed 2.1 m/s
Positioning repeatability 0.02 mm
Max charge on wrist 2.16 Nm
The pedal actuator is composed by an articulated pusher driven electrically and a centering clamp of pedal gripping. Every single actuator has the following characteristics:
Max stroke 200 mm
Resolution 0.05 mm
Max speed 400 mm/s
Max pushing force 450 N
Max clamp opening 65 mm