Sensori magnetici per Ticketing
Since the beginning of 2009 CustoM 2.0, through experience gained on the issue of security papers, has developed a wide range of magnetic sensors. The areas of interest in this …
Since the beginning of 2009 CustoM 2.0, through experience gained on the issue of security papers, has developed a wide range of magnetic sensors. The areas of interest in this …
These HW / SW systems are designed to simulate the patient’s physiological conditions and test biomedical devices controlling their operation. Custom 2.0 dealt especially with producing an integrated system that …
The multistandard solution to decode and measure the magnetic code printed in security threads for banknotes applications. MAG2020 hardware and software tool is a complete system to measure accurately the …
In summary, a battery emulator is an invaluable tool in the electrification revolution.
CustoM 2.0 has developed a vision system for dynamic recognition of a barcode inside a vacuum chamber. A fully customized dynamic recognition system, which allows, through a precision camera, to …
The goal of CAT projects is to provide to experimenters, in particular in automotive sector, but not only, HW / SW Systems variously complex able to simulate, in protected and …
(Italiano) PEV2020 è una delle Soluzioni di Power Management proposte da CustoM 2.0 utilizzato nella distribuzione di potenza su batterie, motori e inverter di veicoli a trazione elettrica.
This application is designed to test the functionality, under different points of view, of automatic openable roofs in the automotive field. More specifically was achieved automation (LabView based) for 3 …
This application, made for a manufacturer of components destined for the automotive industry, has engaged CustoM 2.0 in the full automation implementation including the design and construction of the electrical …
These HW / SW systems are designed to test the performance of bearings. The supply of these systems includes the realization of a turnkey system including “ad hoc” software for …
Queste applicazioni hanno lo scopo di gestire ed elaborare grandi moli di dati (Big Data) derivanti da sorgenti di input collocate su un territorio distribuito che producono indici di efficienza …
Revamping Test Room for Earthmoving Machinery
The CDU (Cooling Distribution Unit) a crucial solution for temperature control and cooling in automotive testing!
Charging stations for electric vehicles, technically EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment), are crucial like the test benches for their testing.
These systems have been engineered to validate and test different types of electric motor, with particular attention to the hybrid powertrain world and more generally to the endothermic and electrical …
Calorimetric Yield Benches: These hardware and software systems are designed to test the performance of refrigeration compressors. The supply includes a turnkey system that features dedicated software for supervising the …
In the field of reading and verification security papers, our heads use the latest technologies on the market. The reading of the code imprinted on the security thread allows, in …
In the energy transition process involving the automotive sector, the market has been strongly oriented toward the improvement of battery packs, considered one of the most innovative components with great …
CustoM 2.0 firmly believes that the competitiveness of a business process goes hand in hand with the ability to access to heterogeneous and distributed information in real-time, aggregating and processing …
Battery Emulator in Charge/Discharge Test Bench for EV Battery Testing