CustoM 2.0 ottiene l’accreditamento ufficiale del MIT come produttore di Sistemi di Riqualificazione Elettrica
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) has certified CustoM 2.0 as a manufacturer of ‘Electric Retrofitting Systems.
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT) has certified CustoM 2.0 as a manufacturer of ‘Electric Retrofitting Systems.
In this issue, we talk about Test Facilities for Earth-Moving Machinery, BusSolA® for Android a Mobile Business Solution, Battery Emulator in Charge/Discharge Test Bench for EV Battery Testing
In this issue, we talk about E-TECH and CustoM 2.0, Battery Emulator, Test bench for electrospindles
The EV-SYS containerized solution offers EV Powertrain testing with the integration of the necessary components in a “portable test room”.
In this issue, we talk about CustoM’s Anniversary, ESG Certification for CustoM 2.0 and a Transfer Box Cell by IVECO Group of Turin.
(Italiano) Massimo Miglini racconta la CustoM 2.0 ad “Inside Story” la rubrica di Radio Veronica One che ospita in WebRadio le realtà del territorio Piemontese.
In this issue, we talk about EV powertrain integration, CustoM 2.0 Job Academy, and LeakTest for mechanical heart valves.
The well-established collaboration of CustoM 2.0 with the Polytechnic of Turin has allowed us to create a real “CustoM Academy”, where it will be possible to closely observe, study and analyze the world of Electrification.
EV-SYS by CustoM 2.0 is an ecosystem for EV powertrain integration that allows you to create electric mobility starting from models, integrating components, building prototypes, and verifying performance.
In this issue, we talk about Battery Pack Testing, 25th-anniversary ISO 9001, Panda Raid
In this issue, we talk about CustoM’s testing facility for Electric-Vehicles, Test Benches and Cells Revamping, Bearing test benches
CustoMzone means CustoM 2.0’s journal. Its goal is to share the company’s activities and purpose with our team.
In this issue, we talk about CustoM 2.0’s house, Electrification – Augmented Reality and Maintenance – Electrification a step forward
CustoMzone means CustoM 2.0’s journal. Its goal is to share the company’s activities and purpose with our team.
In this issue, we talk about CustoM 2.0’s house, Electrification – Battery Pack Testing, CustoM 2.0’s Testing Facilities.
Legality, transparency, ethics, honesty are, for us, are not only the foundations of a healthy society but also the best way to grow and work better.
CustoMzone means CustoM 2.0’s journal. Its goal is to share the company’s activities and purpose with our team.
In this issue, we talk about Custom Testing Cells, Legality Rating, Augmented Reality.
This paper describes a new traceable measurement system, designed for the characterization of inductive charging stations for electric vehicles.
CustoMzone means CustoM 2.0’s journal. Its goal is to share the company’s activities and purpose with our team.
In this issue, we talk about Quality control and Customer service.
A partnership that arises from the desire to offer standardized measurement, testing, testing and validation systems in the electrification sector.
CustoMzone means CustoM 2.0’s journal. Its goal is to share the company’s activities and purpose with our team.
In this issue, we talk about Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Sorry, but the content is only available in Italian languages.
(Italiano) La strategia Ue per un impatto climatico zero prevede un’economia prospera, moderna, competitiva e climaticamente neutra che in tema di trasporti vede come protagonista l’elettrificazione.