CustoM 2.0 offers an all-inclusive service about security systems sectors like magnetic sensor for ticketing, banknotes and bank cards checking.
Some solutions made by CustoM 2.0:
Magnetic sensor for highway toll tickets, Reading and verification security papers (banknotes), Bank cards reading (Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Prepaid Cards), Magnetic Signal In-Line Control Systems, Magnetic Ink detection systems.
- TICKETING FOR HIGHWAYS: in the field of tolls our heads are able to write and read all the information on highway toll tickets and give total coverage of the payment by magnetic cards (Viacard, Credit Cards, ATM)
- BANKNOTES: in the field of reading and verification security papers, our heads use the latest technologies on the market. The reading of the code imprinted on the security thread allows, in fact, to acquire the “DNA” of any banknote denomination and guarantee its authenticity. We have also recently developed a magnetic sensor with onboard IR control that verifies the correct magnetic mapping of ink on every bill.
- DIGITAL HEADS FOR MAGNETIC CARD: we have a wide range of heads for ISO reading and writing of magnetic stripe cards. This allows applications, in addition to ATM and Credit cards, for any magnetic card on the market; such as parking tickets and companies’ badges that use this technology.
CustoM 2.0 Engineering solutions and services since1988 about SECURITY THREAD CONTROL, TICKETING CONTROL, MAGNETIC HEADS
Application sectors

MAG2020 - Magnetic thread decoder
The multistandard solution to decode and measure the magnetic code printed in security threads for banknotes applications. MAG2020 hardware and software tool is a complete system to measure accurately the quality of security threads embedded in banknote paper.
Magnetic Sensors for Security Titles
(Italiano) CustoM 2.0 dal 2009 sviluppa una vasta gamma di sensori magnetici per titoli di sicurezza di alta qualità grazie all'utilizzo delle più recenti tecnologie presenti sul mercato e alle consolidate esperienze acquisite sul tema della sicurezza per carta valori.
Magnetic sensors for Ticketing
(Italiano) Sensori Magnetici utilizzati per la lettura di titoli di pagamento cartacei, tessere magnetiche e tessere scalari per esazione pedaggio autostradale, per ticketing dei parcheggi o nel settore del trasporto pubblico per il pagamento delle corse.