The Corporate Governance Solutions made by CustoM 2.0 allow collecting all specific information for:
Optimizing production
Manufacturing products which meet the quality parameters
Monitoring single critical steps in nearly real-time
Reducing any kind of costs: production, supply, rework, scraps, etc.
Improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise
Our solutions comply with the requirements of Industry 4.0 and allow companies to evolve into a real “smart factory”.
A large part of Companies employs “analytical” Tools to improve the government of their critical processes or to improve the quality of its services. The use of these tools, legacy or market, aims to acquire and aggregate critical information, presenting the results on business dashboards. Frequently, the result obtained (ex. from a Business Intelligence System or as a result of a Data Warehouse project) is detailed and very accurate.
Just as frequently, however, the use of these tools is not up to the expectations of the Board or management because the results do not take into account three critical factors:
- analytical description of compliances under which alterations are monitored or deviations are measured
- the collection and the aggregation of an insufficient number of information, mainly those available on IT Systems, which are partial or limited in order to be able to efficiently monitor alterations of the process
- retrospective publication of the results produced by batch processes that do not employ Event or CEP driven (Complex Event Processing) architectures, aimed at “nearly real time” alterations, informing and assisting decision-making processes of the Board and management.
These three critical factors, if not faced up, produce a deviation between the expectations of companies wishing to use Government Process Systems and the result achieved by the solutions adopted.
Custom 2.0 aims, through the introduction of its systems and solutions, to support their customers in order to obtain a satisfying IT Governance of their own organization and to achieve results such as:
- optimizing production
- manufacturing products which meet the quality parameters
- monitoring single critical steps in nearly real-time
- reducing any kind of costs: production, supply, rework, scraps …
- improving the overall efficiency of the enterprise
Our solutions comply with the requirements of Industry 4.0 and allow companies to evolve into real “smart factory”
CustoM 2.0 Services and engineering solutions since1988 about PROCESS CONTROL, MES SYSTEMS & INDUSTRY 4.0, DATA MANAGEMENT
Process control and corporate governance applications

BusSolA® - Business Solution Advanced
CustoM 2.0, designing BusSolA, wanted to define a system able to overcome any critical constraint, introducing in the Company a business-oriented solution that can answer to the most sophisticated needs.
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Big Analog Data Management for testing rooms
CustoM 2.0 is one of select engineering companies in Italy that can offer Big analog Data management solutions for testing rooms in Automotive sector.
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